General Info

What are the symptoms?

How to diagnosed hemorrhoids?


Differential diagnoses

Complications of haemorrhoids:

Team info

Project leader:

Professor Thomas L. Diepgen M.D. & Magdalena Radulescu, M.D.

University of Heidelberg
Department of Clinical Social Medicine,
Occupational and Environmental Dermatology

Medical content and advice:

Zita Tanko M.D.

Elke Weisshaar M.D.

Gerhard Weyandt M.D.
Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie Venerologie und Allergologie
Josef-Schneider-Straße 2
97080 Würzburg

Site-design and -programming :

Alexander Matvijets

related information:

New Supplement:

The Diagnosis and Management of Haemorrhoidal Disease from a Global Perspective
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